Workers' Daily
Internet Edition Year 2010, No.62 Wednesday December 29 Socialism
Is the Only Guarantee of Our Liberty and Independence
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.61 Saturday December 11 Student Demonstrations and
the Fight for the Right to Education: No to Police Brutality! Students Have a
Right to Demonstrate! Students, The Movement of the Youth to Find a Way
Forward, Going into Action with Analysis Is What Will Be Decisive, Police and
Media Disinformation on the Student Demonstrations, Letter to the Editor: Why
Is There a Demand for Tuition Fees Anyway?
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.60 Monday December 6 Student Occupations in Defence
of the Right to Education, Interview with a Participant in the Student
Occupation of the Bodleian Library Building, Oxford.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.59 Wednesday December 1 Education Is a Right! Fight
for It!
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.58 Monday November 29 Britain and the NATO Summit:
Condemn the Government for its Continued Participation in this Alliance for
Aggression and Crimes against Peace!, NATO Proclaims Itself Global Military
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.57 Monday November 22 Many Thousands March to Demand
Britain Out of Afghanistan Now!
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.56 Saturday November 20 For An Anti-War Government!,
National Demonstration Afghanistan: Time to Go
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.55 Friday November 19Cameron's Mansion House Speech:
Reject the Foreign Policy of "Making Britain Great Again"!, NATO
Looks to Expand Its Reach, Timetable Abandoned: US and NATO to Wage Endless War
in Afghanistan
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.54 Thursday November 18 Mass Actions by Students to
Declare that Education Is a Right!, Statement from the Sussex Occupation,
Scotland Also Marches!, Degree Costs Hiked Up 312% since 1988 and Set to Rise
Another 101% by 2012, For Your Information: Who Are the Real Vandals?.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.53 Tuesday November 9 The Great October Socialist
Revolution: Opening the Path to the Progress of Humanity, Hail the 93rd
Anniversary of the Great October Socialist Revolution!, Isle of Wight Communist
Movement Inaugurated
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.52 Monday November 8 Anglo-French Declaration on
Defence and Security Cooperation: No to Militarisation and Aggressive
Alliances!, For Your Information: Anglo-French Defence Treaty
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.51 Thursday October 21 Stop This Attack on Society!
Fight for the Alternative!, Protests against the Anti-Social Offensive,
Demonstrations and Rallies against the Comprehensive Spending Review, All
Together for Public Services, Shock and Awe Finances.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.50 Monday October 18 End of US Combat in Iraq and the
Necessity for Justice Review: , Secret Iraq "Blood on British
Hands": , The Fate of Guantanamo Detainee 239 British National Shaker
Aamer , Systematic Abuse of US Prisoners .
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.49 Friday October 1 October Is Black History Month,
Some of the Many Black History Month Events, Message of Congratulations from
RCPB(ML) to General Secretary Kim Jong Il, Successful Conference of Workers'
Party of Korea, Re-Elects Comrade Kim Jong Il as General Secretary, Democratic
Renewal and the Role of Political Parties.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.48 Thursday September 30 Tens of Thousands March over
Austerity Measures, Actions of the Northern PSA , Rally against the cuts,
Newport, Isle of Wight: A Brilliant Start! , Leeds Against the Cuts, Campaign
Southampton Library Workers Strike, March Commemorates Centenary of Tonypandy
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.47 Wedesday September 29 Actions against the Cuts:
There Is An Alternative!, Strong Protests Mount in Europe against Austerity
Measures, Millions Demonstrate in France against Anti-Social Attacks on
Pensions, Anti-Social Offensive in Greece.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.46 Tuesday September 28 Salute the Tenth Anniversary
of Second Palestinian Intifada, For your information: Reaffirming the Rights of
the Palestinian People Daily On Line Newspaper.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.45 Tuesday September 21Voicing the Demand for the
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.44 Monday September 20 The British Government and the
Middle East, Hamas Seeks Direct Talks with US, Tony Blair: US Peace Medal for
War Criminal.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.43 Monday September 13 The Fixed-Term Parliaments
Bill: Is This the Reform Which Is Needed?
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.42 Friday September 10 Marking the Ninth Anniversary
of 9/11
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.41 Thursday September 9 Hail the 62nd Anniversary of
the Founding of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea!
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.40 Wednesday September 8Thousands Protest at France's
Repression of Roma, Defend Our Roma!, European Parliament Opposes Anti-Roma
Actions of France and Italy.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.39 Tuesday September 7 Tony Blair Condemned over
"The Journey", Al Quds Day Letter to Tony Blair from Lauren Booth in
Iran, Protest When Tony Blair Hosts Tate Modern Event, Shoes, eggs hurled at
Blair in Dublin, The British Military in Iraq: A Legacy of War Crimes and
Atrocities, Tony Blairs Bloody Memoir.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.38 Wednessday July 28 Campaign Under Way to Oppose
London South Bank University Cuts, Democratic Peoples' Republic of Korea:
Oppose US Provocations against the Korean People!, Countering US-south Korean
War Exercises, Pyongyang Meeting Marks 57th Anniversary of Victory in War.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.37 Tuesday July 27 Camerons Big
Society: Fending for Yourself in the Name of Empowerment, Two Further
Responses to Camerons Big Society: Camerons Big
Society is an intellectually flawed pipe dream for a 1950s,
Britain Highly unlikely civil society will become "bigger" due to the
large public spending cuts that are being put forward by this Government,
Letter to the Editor Leading the Work to Safeguard the Future of the NHS,
Statement of Ryde and East Wight Trades Council, July 26, 2010: Prepare to
Defend and Safeguard the Future of the Isle of Wight NHS.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.36 Thursday July 22 Isle of Wight: Organising for
What Is Just .,When War Criminals Are Rewarded for Killing People: Tony Blair
Awarded the "Liberty Medal" , Yet More Proof of the Lies of Tony
Blair behind the Invasion of Iraq, US and NATO: US Cyber Command: Waging War in
the World's Fifth Battlespace.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.35 Wednesday July 21 2010 Tolpuddle Martyrs
Festival: Remember the Martyrs! Fight for the Rights of All!, The Martyrs'
Story, Karl Marx on the Reform Act of 1832.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.34 Tuesday July 20 NHS White Paper: No to the
Privatisation of the NHS! Safeguard Its Future! Health Care Is a Right! Staked
Out for the Vultures, Commentaries on the NHS White Paper, Defending the NHS
against Privatisation: John Lister talks to London Progressive Journal.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.33 Monday July 12 126th Durham Miners Gala and Big
Meeting Confronts Situation Facing Working Class Movement.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.32 Saturday July 10 126th Durham Miners Gala: Build
the Workers Opposition! Fight for a Pro-Social and an Anti-War
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.31 Tuesday June 8 No Cuts! We Are Not in This
Together! Invest in Social Programmes! Claims on Society Must Be Met!
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.30 Monday June 7 Militant Actions Demand an End to
the Siege of Gaza and Zionist Crimes, Gaza Events around the Country, Trade
Unions in Letter to The Guardian Demand an End to the Siege on Gaza, A Week of
Tragedies Open Letter to Prime Minister David Cameron,. Freed NUJ Member Speaks
Out over Gaza Flotilla Attack .
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.29 Thursday June 3 Condemnations of the Israeli
Zionist Criminal Attack, Updates Compiled by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign,
Central London Comes to Standstill, Emergency National Demonstration Saturday
5th June, Volunteers Needed for Demo on Saturday, Lobbying in Parliament,
Hostages on the Way Home But How Many, Reports of Mistreatment, Message
from PSC General Secretary Betty Hunter, Trades Unions Condemn Israels
Actions. Protest in Newcastle against the Criminal Israeli Attack on Gaza
Freedom Flotilla ,Condemn the Criminal Attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla!
Support the Palestinian People!
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.28 Tuesday June 1 Condemn the Criminal Zionist Attack
on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla! All-Out Support for the Palestinian People!,
Thousands Demonstrate in London against Israeli Barbarity, Stop The War Press
Release May 31, 2010, George Galloway Speaks Out Against Israeli Piracy
and Murder.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.27 Monday May 17 Remember Al Nakba: A Call for
Resistance, Nakba Commemoration 2010: Justice for the Palestinian People!,
Palestinians Heroically Resist Ongoing Dispossession and Affirm Right of
Return, Palestinian Rights Reaffirmed in Ramallah, Commemoration Palestinian
Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.26 Thursday May 13 Hail the 65th Anniversary of the
Victory over Fascism!
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.25 Wednesday May 12 Is This Coalition the
"Change" that the People Were Promised?, Message from Roger
Nettleship, South Shields "Fight for an Anti-War Government"
Candidate, to All Involved in the General Election Campaign, A Message from
Nader Naderi to Roger Nettleship.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.24 Thursday May 6 All Out to Vote for Anti-War
Candidates! Fight for an Anti-War Government!, Warmongers of the World, Unite,
Britain's Election: Welcome to No Choice Democracy, Mervyn King: Next
Government Will Be Voted Out for a Generation .
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.23 Saturday May 1 Call of RCPB(ML) on the Occasion of
May Day 2010: Day of the International Working Class Break with the Old and
Build the New! Defend the Rights of All!
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.22 Friday April 30 Hysteria and Driving Down the
Level of Politics and Political Culture
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.21 Thursday April 29 Progress Report on the South
Shields Fight for an Anti-War Government Candidate
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.20 Wednesday April 28 Isle of Wight Prepares for its
First May Day Celebration, EuroMayDay Parade, CELEBRATE MAY DAY 2010, May Day
Organising in the US, Workers' Representatives from 21 Countries to Celebrate
May Day in Cuba, May Day Concert - New Music for May Day, Keeping May Day
Alive, Concert - For An Anti-War Government, Workers' Memorial Day April
28, 2010.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.19 Tuesday April 27 The Future of the Universities Is
an Election Issue, Campaign to Indict Tony Blair for War Crimes, Nowhere to
Hide: Tony Blair Fears Arrest and Prosecution on Charges of War Crimes.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.18 Monday April 26 Second "Leaders'
Debate": The Pro-War Consensus
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.17 Friday April 23 Lowering the Level of Political
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.16 Thursday April 22 Occupying the Space for Change,
List of candidates, South Shields Constituency
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.15 Wednesday April 21 Recognition of the Necessity
for Change, Safeguarding the Future of the Health Service: An Election Issue,
Struggle of Laundry Workers at Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead, Mass
Campaign to Save Whittington Hospital, Afghanistan: A Conspiracy of Silence
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.14 Wednesday April 7 Roger Nettleship Fight
for an Anti-War Government, Fight for an Anti-War Government Candidate 2010
General Election Page
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.13 Tuesday April 6 Afternoon Fight for an Anti-War
Government!Challenge the Dictate of the Westminster Cartel! Organise for the
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.12 Monday March 29 The Labour Government and Israel,
Government Forced to Delay Change in Law Governing Arrest of War Criminals, War
Criminal Tony Blair Should Not Be Allowed on Malaysian Soil.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.11 Monday March 15 The Westminster Cartel Declares
that the Election Campaign Has Begun!
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.10 Friday March 12 Oxford Political Forum Series on
Democratic Renewal
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.9 Monday March 8 100th Anniversary of International
Womens Day: Marking International Womens Day 2010 in Reaffirming
the Rights of All, Million Women Rise London March, Holloway Protest for Yarl's
Wood Women, Mothers and Midwives "Reclaiming Birth", History of
International Women's Day.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.8 Thurssday March 4 Anti-War Candidate Forum: For An
Anti-War Government!, Contribution of Roger Nettleship to the Anti-War
Candidate Forum, NATO: Afghan Civilians not Killed by Accident.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.7 Wednesday March 3 Historic Latin American and
Caribbean Unity Summit, Latin America's Path to Independence.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.6 Tuesday March 2 No to Britains Provocative
and Colonialist Actions in the South Atlantic! No to a New Malvinas War!,
Support for the Stand of Argentina, Towards a New Falklands Conflict? Little
England Struts Again, What Is at Stake in the Falklands?
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.5 Monday February 22 Torture and the Rule of Law,
British Government Acknowledges Torture of Guantanamo Detainee by US Officials,
UN Report Denounces US over Rendition and Secret Detention Camps, Why is Shaker
Aamer still held in Guantánamo Bay?
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.4 Wednesday February 10 What Lies Behind the London
Meeting on Yemen?, For Your Reference: Hillary Clinton's Prescription: Make the
World A NATO Protectorate, Two events for Haiti.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.3 Tuesday February 9 Chilcot Inquiry: The Truth Will
Out!, For Your Reference: Sir John Chilcot's Closing Statement, Cutting Clare
Short: A Withering Attack on the Tony Blair Government's Decision to Wage War
on Iraq.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.2 Monday February 8 Britain Must End the Occupation
and Bring the Troops Home, British Troops Pave Way for Massive NATO Afghan
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2010, No.1 Tuesday January 5 In Memoriam - Gillan