Weekly Internet Edition Year 2016, No.25 December 17
Links to individual
The Syrian People Fighting to
Defend their Sovereignty Against Interference of the Anglo-US Imperialists
A Note on the "White
Southern Rail Drivers and
Conductors Take Action to Defend Safety and their Livelihoods
Teaching Assistants' Strikes
North East London Campaigns against
its Footprint's STP
Workers' Weekly Internet
Edition Year 2016, No.24 December 10
Links to individual
The Significance of STPs
The Secrecy over STPs
For Your Information: Briefing On
Northumbria, Tyne & Wear and north Durham Sustainability and Transformation
National Demonstration "It's
Our NHS" - London, March 4, 2017
Cornelius Cardew, 1936-1981:
Outstanding Musician, Composer and Modern Communist
London Political Forum on the
Future of Society
The End of the Old
ATL and NUT Members Vote to Ballot
on Forming New Education Union
Students and University Staff
Demonstrate against the Higher Education Bill
The BBC World Service, Soft Power
and Foreign Intervention in Africa
Fidel Castro
Ruz, August 13, 1926 - November 25, 2016
Workers' Weekly Internet
Edition Year 2016, No.23 October 15
Links to individual
Brexit: Taking Control Must Mean
Defence of the Rights of All Human Beings
80th Anniversary of the Battle of
Cable Street
Taking the Capital-Centred School
System to a New Level
Workers' Weekly Internet
Edition Year 2016, No.22 October 1
Links to individual
The Conduct of Politics and the
Fight for Empowerment
A Legal Battle for a Safer Contract
and Sustainable NHS
Massive Cuts to Acute Hospital
Services Threatened by Sustainability & Transformation Plans
BMJ Blog on the Privatisation of
the NHS
NHS Sustainability and
Transformation Plans
Workers' Weekly Internet
Edition Year 2016, No.21 September 10
Links to individual
The Working Class Must Be at the
Head of the Movement to Control the Economy and Society
No to the Fraudulent "British
Bill of Rights"
End Britain's Domination and
Exploitation of the Human and Material Resources of the African Continent
Workers' Weekly Internet
Edition Year 2016, No.20 August 29
Links to individual
The Issue of What Kind of
End Britain's Domination and
Exploitation of the Human and Material Resources of the African
Campaign to Save South Tyneside
Hospital Advances its Work
Following the Footprints:
Challenging the STPs
Junior Doctors Win Judicial Review
in Fight against Jeremy Hunt's New Contract
Workers' Weekly Internet
Edition Year 2016, No.19 August 6
Links to individual
Funeral of Dave Hopper
Dave Hopper 1943-2016
The Central de Trabajadores de Cuba
Pays Tribute to Dave Hopper
Racism: A Preferred Policy of the
Rich and their State
Junior Doctors Say No to Jeremy
Hunt's New Contract
Capital-Centred Proposals Do Not
Signal the End of Austerity
Never Again! Hiroshima Day &
Nagasaki Day 2016
Workers' Weekly Internet
Edition Year 2016, No.18 July 24
Links to individual
The Building of a Social Movement
Is an Aim Worth Fighting For
A Programme of Political
Forums on the Future of Society
Workers' Weekly Internet
Edition Year 2016, No.17 July 18
Links to individual
In Memoriam - Dave Hopper
Durham Miners Gala Affirms the Role
of the Working Class as the Main force to Chart a New Path for
Workers' Weekly Internet
Edition Year 2016, No.16 July 9 The Working Class
Can Grasp the Opportunity to Fight for a New Direction for Society
Workers' Weekly Internet
Edition Year 2016, No.15 June 28
Links to individual
A Call to Chart a New Path
Britain, the Other Big Powers and
the Imperialist System of States Are Responsible
Recognising that A Stand Has to Be
Taken Against the Whole Anti-Social Direction for the NHS
Academies: The Creation of a
Capital-Centred School System
Majority of Student Unions Stay
Affiliated to NUS
Special edition on the EU
Referendum June 22, 2016 A Call to Take a Stand
against the EU of the Monopolies
Statement on the Killing of Jo
Cox MP
Workers' Weekly Internet
Edition Year 2016, No.14 May 28
Links to individual
Government's 2016/17 Legislative
Programme: A Continuation of its Neo-Liberal Austerity Agenda
Trade Union Act 2016: The Fight
Continues to Defend the Right of the Working Class to Organise
The 2016 Immigration Act and the
Criminalisation of Migrants and Asylum Seekers: Urgent Need to Organise against
the Racism and Chauvinism of the Ruling Elite and Defend the Rights of All as
Human Beings
Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year
2016, No.13 May 14
Links to individual
An EU Referendum Issue: Where
Does Decision-Making Power Lie?
There Can Be No Justification for
Britain's Intervention in Libya
The International Criminal Court, a
Mechanism for Criminalising Opposition to Foreign Intervention in
Smear Campaign Surrounds Election
of Anti-Racism and Pro-Palestine Campaigner Malia Bouattia as NUS
May Day 2016: Day of International
Working Class Unity and Struggle
In Parliament: Unjust Laws Receive
Royal Assent
Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year
2016, No.12 April 30
Links to individual
May First, Day of International
Working Class Unity and Struggle
All Out for A Change in Direction for Society!
Continued Opposition to the
Government's Anti-Social Devolution Act
Photos of the latest actions of the
Junior Doctors
Decision on the Opening of the
Seventh Congress of the WPK Issued
Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year
2016, No.11 April 23
Links to individual
No to EU Austerity! Working
People Themselves Must Set the Agenda
The Anglo-Americans and their
Allies Must Cease All Interference in Libya
March for Health, Homes, Jobs and
Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year
2016, No.10 April 16
Links to individual articles:
No to the Imposition of a
Contract on the Junior Doctors!
Junior Doctors! Health Care Is a Right! For an NHS Based on Fulfilling this
The Steel Crisis and the Myth of
"Chinese Steel Dumping"
The British Government and its
Allies Continue their Dangerous Contention with Russia
British Government Whitewashes
Fascist Bandera Cult in Ukraine
Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year
2016, No.9 April 2
Links to individual articles:
The Steel Industry Is a Vital
Part of the Economy! It Must Not Be Destroyed!
International Trade as a
Geopolitical Weapon of the EU
What Is Behind the Attack On Ian
Lavery and the NUM?
Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year
2016, No.8 March 28
Links to individual articles:
No to All Forms of Terrorism!
Defend the Rights of All!
British Government Unjustly
Continues to Demand Regime Change in Syria
Commemoration of the Easter Rising
Concert of New Music to Mark the
Centenary of the Easter Uprising 1916
Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year
2016, No.7 March 19
Links to individual articles:
Budget 2016: Fear-Mongering in
Order to Impose Everything that Goes against the People's Interests
The Debate on the EU Referendum
Must Not Be Framed in a Chauvinist Manner
Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year
2016, No.6 March 13
Links to individual articles:
Britain, EU and NATO Are
Culpable for the Refugee Crisis
NHS in Crisis Save Lewisham
Hospital Campaign Conference and Discussion Day
Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2016, No.5
March 8
New - Links to individual
Women at the Forefront of the
Fight to Safeguard the Future of Society
Stampeding the “Yes”
Vote to Continue Britain's Membership of the EU
The Neo-Colonial Nature of the
European Union As One More Reason Britain Must Leave
Is the EU a Guarantor of
Workers’ Rights?
NHS In Crisis – Save Lewisham
Hospital Campaign Conference and Discussion Day
Families of People with Mental
Health Problems Fight for Mental Health Services
What Does this
“Alliance” of South of Tyne Health Services Really Mean?
Workers' Weekly Internet Edition
Year 2016, No.4 February 13-27 Now Is the Time For an NHS Based on
the Right to Health Care!, The People Must Continue Their Fight to Safeguard
Mental Health Services, The British State Must Be Held to Account for the
Crimes of Colonialism, Opposing Israel's Crimes Cannot Be Called
Anti-Semitism, Letters to the editor on the European Union: On
British Withdrawal from the EU, Workers Have to Struggle to Defend their
Conditions, While the EU Social Agenda and the 48-Hour Working Time Directive
Have No Effect, Discussion on the European Union: What Stand to Take on the
European Union, CAEF AGM Resolution 2015: No! to the EU of the Monopolies -
There is An Alternative.
Workers' Weekly Internet Edition
Year 2016, No.3 February 7 Britain and Its Allies Must Cease All
Intervention in Libya, Newcastle Stop the War Annual General Meeting 2016,
Junior Doctors Demonstration, Special LMC Conference 2016, The Government's
Fraudulent and Hypocritical Devolution Must be Opposed, Letters to the Editor:
Bowie the Capitalist.
Workers' Weekly Internet Edition
Year 2016, No.2 January 30 Invest in Steel, For a New Direction for
the Economy!, The Accusation of Chinese Steel "Dumping", The Hype
over David Bowie Assists in Blocking a Truly Popular Culture.
Workers' Weekly Internet Edition
Year 2016, No.1 January 24 Capturing the Momentum in 2016, The
significance of 2015 for democratic renewal, Government's Attack on the NHS
Bursary: Health Workers Organising Themselves to Safeguard the Future of the
Health Service, Solidarity with Junior Doctors and NHS Students, The Racism and
Eurocentrism of the Prime Minister Must be Condemned, The Right of the DPRK to
Defend Itself and Maintain the Peace, Neither the US nor the EU Are Morally
Qualified to Lecture St Lucia on Human Rights.