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Special edition on the EU Referendum June 22, 2016 | ARCHIVE | HOME | JBCENTRE | SUBSCRIBE |
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It is hard
to think of an issue over which so much confusion and disinformation has been
generated as the EU Referendum campaign. The right of the electorate to make an
informed choice has been trampled on by the powers-that-be.
It is well known from the referendum on whether Scotland should become an independent country that “Project Fear” and “Project Slander” are used to lower the level of political discourse to its lowest level, and attempt to create hysteria so that a just and informed position becomes increasingly difficult to take. These attempts by the ruling elite took a very nasty course with the killing of MP Jo Cox, and the promotion of fascist-type organisations and stands. These attempts seem so desperate because the ruling elite has shown that it is incapable of sorting out any differences among its ranks within arrangements of the status quo.
Under such circumstances, it becomes even more crucial for the working class and people to take a stand of principle. The futile game of “Remain” and “Leave” campaigners damning each other for which establishment figures or rich donors support each campaign only confirms this necessity. Otherwise, passions are raised which hinder a sober assessment of what is at stake.
The unity and
close co-operation of the workers' movement in the countries of the EU does not
and cannot depend on the institutions of the EU. These institutions, besides
representing the interests of the monopolies, are themselves in crisis.
Remaining within them further compromises the movement of the people in Britain
for both democratic renewal and modern sovereign states. Withdrawing from them
would facilitate the building the alternative, not only in Britain but
throughout Europe.
The European Commission sees only the end of nation-building and works to impose the dictate of supra-national institutions on peoples and states within the EU. The EU is taking Europe down the road of neo-liberalism and austerity. The fight of the working class of each of these countries at the head of the people's movement against austerity and the anti-social offensive is to settle scores with their respective ruling elites which do the bidding of the European, US or other monopolies. It is only turning around the neo-liberal economies of these countries, establishing sovereign control over the economies, that can begin to resolve the economic crises. The call that jobs, rights, working conditions, and so on, “depend on Europe” is false. Even were trade conducted on the basis of mutual benefit, a functioning national economy depends not on being competitive in the global market, but first and foremost on a planned economy under the control of public authorities accountable to the people, in which the working class and people have a decisive say on their direction.
institutions of the EU represent the continued concentration of power and
wealth in the hands of a tiny elite of owners of monopoly capital. In the main,
this concentration favours German and French capital. It is put in the service
of empire-building and nation-wrecking, and the use of international trade
itself as a geopolitical weapon. Of course, the US empire is not reconciled to
the empire-building of the European Union, but rather it is keen itself on
dominating Europe and utilising
the EU to this
end, pushing eastwards in collaboration with NATO to attempt to isolate and
encircle Russia. It encourages the ruling elite of Britain to collude with it
in this scenario. This ruling elite, however, is irreconcilably split between
allying itself with US capital or with European capital. It has proved itself
incapable of extricating itself from this contradiction, which continues to
bedevil it and break out with even greater force. What would best serve to
“make Britain great again”? Sections would even like to ally with
Chinese empire-building or other sections of global capital. The working class
has the opportunity to utilise these contradictions to persevere on its own
independent path, and not line up behind any section of British capital which
has sought to hijack and dominate the debate.
The position that the EU preserves peace in Europe is hide-bound with a perspective that wipes out the aggression and suffering that the big powers have inflicted on sovereign states, including the aggression against and dismembering of Yugoslavia. Again, the powers of “old Europe” have been pushing for the creation of a European Army under the hoax of “common defence”, an army that both colludes and contends with the aggressive NATO alliance. This push has coincided with the fostering and whitewashing of neo-Nazi organisations, particularly in the Ukraine. The “humanitarian” aspect of the EU has become thoroughly exposed through its role in creating a humanitarian crisis with refugees from Syria and Africa, and its promotion of racism against these refugees and migrants. Taken together, these facts amount to war and the preparation for war.
It is evident
how thoroughly the ruling elite have attempted to marginalise the people in
having any independent say in the referendum campaign or even in the decision
to hold the referendum and what the issues and agenda are. The principle that
is involved for the working class in the EU referendum is that it must have a
decisive say in the direction of the economy and of society as a whole. It must
defend the right to sovereignty of the nations and countries of Europe and
oppose the EU as a supra-national Euro-federalist bloc imposing the neo-liberal
austerity agenda throughout Europe and further endangering peace. The
conceptions of a “social Europe” and a reformed EU are a mirage
which diverts from the opposition to nation-wrecking and the fraudulent
austerity agenda of the elites and financiers who control the EU.
In this context, it is crucial that the workers must set their own agenda and build a political movement capable of achieving it. The EU stands as a block to achieving a new society. Withdrawal from the EU has been and remains a central part of the independent programme of the working class, and opens up further opportunities for the strengthening of this programme, stepping up the challenge to the neo-liberal agenda pursued by the big powers of the EU. Withdrawal from the EU, and its eventual dismantling and the creation of an alternative, is an integral part of the struggle of the working class and people to define their own future and defend the rights of all. Ultimately, the working class must lay hold of what belongs to it, the wealth it creates. In other words, the working class and people must control the economies of Scotland, Wales and Britain as a whole.
We call on the working class and people to take a stand against the European Union of the monopolies, of austerity, of the trampling on sovereignty, and vote on June 23 for Britain to leave the EU.
Further Workers' Weekly
articles on the European Union:
No! To the EU of
the Monopolies – There Is An Alternative
An EU Referendum Issue: Where Does Decision-Making Power Lie?
No to EU Austerity! Working People Themselves Must Set the Agenda
The Neo-Colonial Nature of the European Union As One More Reason Britain Must Leave
What Stand to Take on the European Union
International Trade as a Geopolitical Weapon of the EU
flow charts:
Diagrams on how the EU operates prepared by CAEF - Click on to enlarge
For the website of the Campaign against Euro-federalism, see: http://www.caef.org.uk/
For information on the UK's net contribution to the EU, see https://fullfact.org/europe/our-eu-membership-fee-55-million/
Also of interest:
A Letter From London To Our French Comrades, By John Hendy QC and Professor
Keith Ewing (Institute of Employment Rights):