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Index of Workers' Weekly Internet Editionsfor 2014

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Index of Internet Editions of Workers' Weekly1996-7

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To contact the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist) by e-mail : office@rcpbml.org.uk

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.36 November 29 Building the Organised Resistance against the Assault on the Living Standards of Health Workers, Workers' Forum: Interviews - 24-11-2014, Clive Efford Bill: Vigil and Meeting, Counter Terrorism and Security Bill: Stepping Up the Criminalisation of Conscience.

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.35 November 22 Concerning the Workers’ Movement and Education, Students March in Support of the Demand: “Free Education” , Jaguar Land Rover Workers Reject Company’s Attempts to Impose a Settlement, Strikes at Queen Elizabeth Hospital over Two-Tier Workforce.

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.34 November 1 Steel – Sale of Long Products Europe: Steel Workers Should Demand a New Direction for the Economy, Further Opposition to the Neo-Liberal Agenda of the Monopolies: RCN Opposes TTIP (Transatlantic and Investment Partnership), RMT Research Exposes Global Monopolies’ Ownership of Rail Franchises, British Troops Leave Helmand Province, Afghanistan: The Need for an Anti-War Government.

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.33 October 25 One Hundred Thousand Demonstrate in England, Scotland and the north of Ireland against Austerity, “Five Year Forward View”: Which Direction for NHS England?

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.32 October 18 It’s Our Economy! Build the Workers’ Opposition!

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.31 October 12 # #noTTIP : Tens of Thousands March in Britain and across Europe, For Your Information: Congress 2014 Composite resolution – Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP), Destabilisation – US Weapon in Energy War, The Battle for the Future Direction of the NHS: On the Movement to Safeguard the Future of the NHS, Ed Miliband’s Labour Party Conference Speech: Opposition to Politics for the Public Interest under the Guise of “Together", In Memoriam, Tony Kelly.

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.30 October 7 Rally in London against Britain’s Aggression, Protest in Newcastle to Stop the Bombing of Iraq, and Oppose the Attack on Syria!

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.29 October 4 Scotland’s Referendum and the Right to Self-Determination, Mark Carney’s speech to the TUC: Where Is the Independent Working Class Perspective on the Economy?

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.28 September 27 Parliament Votes for More Death and Destruction: Not In Our Name! Britain Urgently Needs an Anti-War Government! , No to Military Intervention in Iraq and Syria, ‘Don't bomb Iraq & Syria!’ Stop the War protests at Downing Street, Protest at Newcastle Monument Against Bombing of Iraq and Syria.

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.27 September 18 "Yes” to an Independent Scotland Is a Vote for the Alternative!, Campaign against Denial to René González of a Visa to Visit Britain, New Report of International Commission of Inquiry, Parliamentary Meeting Protests at Visa Denial for René González.

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.26 September 14 In Memoriam Eric Trevett 1931-2014, Message of Condolence from the Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist)

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.25 September 13 Referendum on Scotland’s Independence: Keep the Initiative! All Out for a “Yes” Vote!, On the Movement for Scottish Self-Determination, TUC Congress 2014: Congress Debates How to End the Low Pay Economy and Fight Anti-Social Offensive, The Necessity for an Anti-War Government: Britain out of NATO! No Intervention in Iraq or Syria! Stop Warmongering in the Ukraine!, Dangerous Developments at NATO Summit, Decisions of the NATO Summit.

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.24 September 6 TUC Congress 2014: The Working Class Must Take Up Defence of the Rights of All, The Call for a Modern Sovereign Scotland, Draft Scottish Constitution Declares: The People are Sovereign, Wilful Obstruction from the “No” Campaign.

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.23 September 3 No to NATO! Actions in Newport against Aggressive NATO Alliance

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.22 August 30 Condemn the Warmongering NATO Summit! Britain out of NATO!

Pamphlet Released August 4, 2014 No To Imperialist War

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.21 July 27 Hundreds of Thousands Demand: End Israeli Zionist War Crimes! Stand As One with the Palestinian Resistance!

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.20 July 20 Support the Heroic Resistance of the Palestinian People: Condemn Israeli Occupation and Aggression!, Hands off Gaza! Massive Demonstrations in London and World-Wide in Support of the Palestinians’ Right to Be, 130th Durham Miners Gala: Long May the Gala and Big Meeting Continue in Mobilising the Workers behind their Class Interests.

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.19 July 12 130th Durham Miners Gala: Defeat the Fraudulent Austerity Programme! Organise for the Working Class to Adopt its Own Independent Political Agenda! , Million Public Sector Workers Take Action in Defence of Living Standards.

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.18 July 6 The Austerity Programme Can Be Defeated!, Striking to Defend Standard of Living, Fighting to Safeguard the Future of the NHS, Save Our Surgeries Action on the 66th Anniversary of the Birth of the NHS, Teachers Strike against Redundancies and its Effect on Education at St Joseph's Catholic Academy in Hebburn.

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.17 June 28 On the Proposals of NHS England Chief Executive Simon Stevens: No Solutions Given to the Anti-Social Direction of the NHS, Save Withybush Hospital!, No to the Europe of the Monopolies!

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.16 May 26 The Staging of the European Elections, New Chief Executive and Government Changes to CCGs: Taking the “Commissioning” of the NHS Services Further in an Anti-Social Direction, British State Falsifies History to Cover Up Its Own Crimes.

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.15 May 25 May Day Celebration Marches in Britain Reject Austerity and Affirm the Agenda for the Working Class.

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.14 May 24 Hail African Liberation Day! No to Foreign Intervention in Africa, Book Review - Hakim Adi, Pan-Africanism and Communism: The Communist International, Africa and Diaspora, 1919-1939, Government Plans to “Reform” Stop and Search.

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.13 May 1 Celebrate May Day: Day of Unity in Struggle of the Working Class, Oppressed and Insurgent Peoples of All Lands!, May Day 2014

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.12 April 29 Unison Health Conference Backs Action over Pay, The Stand of the Working Class on the Fight to Safeguard the Future of the NHS, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP): European Commission Holds Sham Consultations over “Investment Protection”, The First World War and the Betrayal of the Workers.

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.11 April 12 Yes to a Modern Sovereign State of Scotland! The Official No Campaign: Attempting To Organise a Counter-Coup by Wrecking Public Opinion, Health Care Is a Right! Save Lewisham Hospital! Save the NHS!, Making the European Elections a Referendum on the Future of the NHS, NHA Euro Election Candidates, British Imperialism and the First World War.

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.10 April 5 Setting the Reference Point for Learning from the Experience of the Founding of RCPB(ML), International News: The Situation in Ukraine and the Reactionary Role of Britain and the EU .

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.9 March 29What the Times are Calling for: Building the Party in the 21st Century, Budget 2014: Raising the Claims of the Rich to the Level of Political Principle, Health and Social Care Is a Right! The Government’s Funding Scam in Health and Social Care.

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.8 March 8 Hail International Women’s Day! Women’s Affirmation Is Inseparably Connected with the Fight of the Working Class for a New Society, The Battle for the Future Direction of the NHS: No Means No to Clause 119!, For Your Reference: Centralisation of Cancer Services from Barts Health to UCLH, London Rally in Remembrance of Hugo Chavez.

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.7 March 1 Condemn the Dangerous Interference of Britain and the US/EU Powers in the Ukraine!, Editorial: All Out to Make the 35th Anniversary of RCPB(ML) a Decisive Success, Newcastle Stop the War Meeting: For a Future without War, Commentary: Establishment Forces Are Standing as One to Oppose Scottish Independence and Sovereignty.

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.6 February 22 Hold the Government to Account for the Devastation Caused by the Floods, Join the Protest, Join the Lobby! Stop the Hospital Closure Clause!, Hunt Has Substituted Double-Speak and Deception for Action on Francis Report, University Students and Staff Continue their Resistance, Hands off Syria! British Government’s Shameful Participation in Geneva II.

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.5 February 15 Successful Meeting “NHS in Crisis?” Held in South East London, Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt Confronted over Clause 118, The Double-Speak of Jeremy Hunt, Can the Labour Party NHS Policy Be Said To Be a “Coherent and Genuine Alternative”?, Chiswick Campaign to Safeguard the Future of Charing Cross Hospital, Birmingham TUC Conference - Crisis in the NHS.

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.4 February 1 There Is An Alternative! Putting the Health Monopolies on Notice, EU-US Free Trade Agreement: Opposition Forces Consultation on Proposals to Allow Monopolies to Sue States, World War I and the Anti-War Movement, CELEBRATION AND SEMINAR on the 35th Anniversary of RCPB(ML).

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.3 January 25 Anti-Social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Bill Set for Third Reading: Defend the Rights of All!, Protest over Withybush Hospital Closure Plan, Public Meeting: NHS in Crisis.

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.2 January 18 The Centenary of the First World War, Taking a Stand to Roll Back the Climate of Diktat in the NHS, Statement to Barts Health Board concerning the sacking of Charlotte Monro made on behalf of Newham Save Our NHS, Tower Hamlets Keep Our NHS Public and We are Waltham Forest – Save our NHS, Bullying Barts Confronted, In Tribute to Dolly Shaer.

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition Year 2014, No.1 January 11Party Socials Inaugurate the Work for 2014, To the Work of the Party in 2014!, Some Significant Dates in 2014.

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