Criminal Role of Social Democracy in the
First World War
Chris Coleman shows that there is little
doubt that the social democratic parties could have prevented the war or at
least brought about its speedy termination. He also shows that there is no
doubt that the Bolsheviks' seizure of power in Russia and their immediate
withdrawal from the war was a major factor in bringing peace, in bringing the
war to an end. He says today the guarantee of peace is the empowerment of the
working class, for the working class to constitute itself the nation, opening
the path to a new society and taking steps to establish a political process
that brings into being an anti-war government. This is the problem to be
solved. More...
"For King and Another Country: Indian Soldiers
on The Western Front 1914-18"
Chris Coleman Reviews this book by
Shrabani Basu: This informative and moving book is a timely and worthy tribute
to those very dead. And it could be said is a just indictment of a system which
made and still makes such barely imaginable losses and tragedies possible.
Hail the 65th Anniversary of the Victory over
by Chris
It is of vital importance that the truth
of these great events be recognised and upheld, not as something in itself, but
as part of providing the information and perspective to enable the working
class and people to discuss and plan the way forward, what kind of society is
needed, how to take matters into their own hands, how to bring about democratic
renewal and bring into being a pro-social and anti-war government, how to solve
themselves the problems facing society. To do so is to honour the huge
sacrifices made and the hopes and possibilities opened up by the great victory
over fascism in 1945.
The Falsifiers of History Have the Aim of Covering
Up Their Own Preparations for Fascism and War
by Chris Coleman: On the 70th Anniversary of
Second World War.
As the late Hardial Bains pointed out in
his important work Modern Communism, the attack is not just on communism but on
all real change. History, he says, has been turned on its head, with the worst
crimes of the Hitlerite fascists attributed to the communists in general, and
to Stalin in particular. This disinformation is intended to disorient the
workers, women and youth and provide them with no prospects whatsoever. It is
also to divert the attention of the worlds peoples from the crimes being
committed today by the imperialists and world reaction in the name of
democracy. More...
Successful Seminar: "There Is A Way Out
of the Crisis"
The paper given by Chris Coleman,
concentrated on the general line of the Party as contained in the document
"There Is A Way Out of the Crisis", the launch of which fifteen years
ago the seminar was marking. It looked at the essence of the thesis put
forward, in the light of the present situation, in order to facilitate
discussion on the tasks which confront the Party and the working class and
people at the present time and discuss the way forward.
Noor Inayat Khan: Anti-Fascist Heroine and Indian
Chris Coleman Reviews The Spy
Princess by Shrabani Basu: Today, when self-aggrandising leaders in the
service of the great corporations once again threaten to drag humanity into
catastrophic world war when bestiality akin to that of the Nazis once
again shows its face in the Abu Ghraibs and Guantánamo Bays, the
Hadithas and Fallujas of the world the unbreakable courage and selfless
sacrifice of Noor Inayat Khan serve as a reminder and inspiration... Her
example shows that the cherished liberté of all peoples, fought for so
heroically by Noor as by her illustrious forebear, their shared goals on the
high road of culture and civilisation, will surely be won.
Speech to RCPB(ML) New Year Activists Meeting
Before deciding on any programme of
action, or even discussion of a programme of action, it seems important to go
back to what we were talking about when we met last year, that the starting
point has to be not some general line or preconceived notion but
identifying what is what what is actually going on in front of our eyes.
So when considering the likely upcoming election, the whole agenda of the
bourgeoisie, the stand and tactics of the Party in regard to the election or
the Blair government generally, the first question is what is Tony Blair up to,
what is Tony Blair and why is he there? What is going on?
Ten Years Since the Coventry International
The 8th National Consultative Conference
of RCPB(ML) was held in Coventry on January 17, 2004, aimed at summing up the
work of the Party since the 4th Congress in March 2003. The Conference was
entitled: "Developing Resistance and Planting the Alternative". Chris
Coleman opened the 8th NCC of the Party with the following remarks. More...
The Revolutionaries
Part 2 in the series: "The Other Candidates
Chris Coleman, RCPB(ML), talking to Matthew Parris
BBC Radio 4 Westminster Hour - January 4, 2004. Interview