Pamphlet by Hardial Bains. It was published by decision of
the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), and
contains a foreword by the CC of CPC(ML), as well as a Preface written by the
author, the late National Leader of CPC(ML), in May 1997, shortly before his
The Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain
(Marxist-Leninist) held and important celebration on March 19, 1994, In the
Conway Hall, London, marking the fifteenth anniversary of its founding. The
important draft document printed here, There Is a Way Out of the Crisis, was
released on that occasion by the Central Committee of RCPB(ML) for discussion.
Available online
here and as a pamphlet to purchase.
RCPB(ML)'s Draft Programme for the Working Classwas
published on January 7, 1995. Its Preamble states: If the working class is to
play its historical role and lead the entire society out of the crisis and open
up a path for progress, it must have its own independent programme, that is, it
must set its immediate and long-term aims. Can be downloaded and is available as a pamphlet for
The Line of March to a New
Society This document was released by RCPB(ML) at a Public
Meeting, in Conway Hall, London, on January 8, 2000. This document comprises
the Political Report to the Partys 3rd Congress on the Work of the Central
Committee. More...
From the 3rd Congress of
RCPB(ML) Message from CPC(ML) - What the Objective and Subjective
Conditions are Pointing Towards - Building the Communist Party on the New
Historical Basis - Launch of the Line of March to a New Society - Resolutions
of the 3rd Congress. More...
The Question Is Really One of Word
and Deed The Question Is Really One of Word and Deed was
presented by Hardial Bains. The author, who died in August 1997, was National
Leaders of the Communist Party of Canada (Marxist-Leninist), and was closely
associated with the joint work of PCA and the Canadian Cultural Workers'
Committee (CCWC). More...
Only the Working Class Can Save the
Day!The 4th Congress of RCPB(ML) was held from March 29-30, 2003. The
Congress, taking place at a critical time for humanity, was dedicated to the
role of the working class in leading the way out of the crisis.