RCPB(ML)'s Draft Programme for the Working Classwas
published on January 7, 1995. Its Preamble states:
If the working class is to play its historical role and lead the entire
society out of the crisis and open up a path for progress, it must have its own
independent programme, that is, it must set its immediate and long-term aims.
The Immediate Programme is summarised by the
following principles:
- Recognition of All Inviolable Rights.
- More into the Economy than is Taken Out.
- Democratic Renewal of the Political Process.
- Recognition of the Inviolable Right of all Peoples to
Determine Their Own Affairs Nationally and Internationally.
Draft Programme Read
the Draft Programme online.
The Draft Programme is available as a 16 Page A4 Pamphlet - Price
£2.50 + p&p)
Draft Programme is also available in braille, price £10.00, inc.
Make cheques and postal orders payable to:
Workers' Publications Centre,
170 Wandsworth Road, London SW8 2LA