Workers' Daily
Internet Edition Year 2008, No. 97 Thursday, December 11 The
British Governments Outrageous Calls to Intervene Militarily in Zimbabwe,
Open Letter to the British Foreign Secretary, "Were Back!"
Fourth Successful Voyage Breaks Through Siege of Gaza.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 96 Wednesday, December 10 Defend the Rights of All!
One Humanity, One Struggle!, On International Human Rights Day 2008, After 60
Years.., Action, Not Words Gaza: Silence Is Not an Option.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 95 Thursday, December 4 Sinister Character of
Queens Speech: Fight for Programme of Working Class!
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 94 Wednesday, December 3 Pre-Budget Report: A Budget
for the Monopolies and to Make the People Pay, G-20 Statement on the Economic
Crisis: A Declaration of Monopoly Right
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 93 Monday, December 1 The Government Remains
Committed to the Criminal Occupation of Afghanistan, For Your Reference
A German View: Contribution to Operational Command, Ethiopia For Your
Information: Human Rights Watch: Flawed Methodology, Unsubstantiated
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 92 Thursday, November 20 Milibands Visit to
the Middle East: Further Imperialist Machinations, Oppose the Lawless US
Military Attack on Syria!, For Your Information: The Occupation Cannot Stay.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 91 Wednesday, November 19 Investment in Health and
Education are Vital to the Well-Being of the People and the Socialised Economy,
What Does the NHS Clawback Mean?, The Proposed Cuts at South Tyneside
Foundation NHS Trust, Physics Declared to be in "Good Health": A
Denial of Experience, US Empire and Triad Dictate that the Status Quo Shall
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 90 Tuesday, November 18 Gordon Brown Poses as
Saviour of the Old Order at the G-20 Summit, G-20 Washington Economic Crisis
Summit - TML Daily, Reflections by Fidel Castro on the G20 Summit.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 89 Monday, November 17Behind The Crisis in the Congo
Lies the Contention of the Big Powers
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 88 Friday, October 13 Banking Must Serve the
National Economy: No Bail-out of the Rich!, Latin America: Presidents Speak Out
Against US "Bailout", The Cuban Revolution Will Continue Firmly
Defending the Interests of the People.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 87 Friday, October 3 Mandelson and Cabinet
Reshuffle: What Is the Issue?, Peter Mandelson returns to Cabinet: Reaction.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 86 Thursday, October 2 British and US Governments
Remain Enemies of Rights of Palestinian People, Protests over British Embassy
Link to Jewish Settlement-Builder, Open Letter to President Mahmoud Abbas.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 85 Wednesday, October 1 No Bailout of the US Rich!
Guarantee the Peoples Savings!, Safer Firefighters Safer Communities,
Thousands March in Support of Palestine.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 84 Tuesday, September 30 Legalised Bank Robbery: No
to the Bailout of the Rich!
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 83 Monday, September 29 The Draft NHS Constitution:
Replacing Public Provision with an "NHS Constitution", For Your
Reference: Comparison of the Health Service in England, Scotland, Wales and the
north of Ireland.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 82 Friday, September 26 End Army Recruitment on
Campus! Stop the Criminalisation of Dissent! Students vote to ban military from
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 81 Thursday, September 25 Miliband Defends the
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 80 Wednesday, September 24 Gordon Brown at Labour
Party Conference: Trust Me, US Treasury Declares Force Majeure
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 79 Tuesday, September 23 Too Big to Fail Versus
Moral Hazard, The Hoover Connection
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 78 Monday, September 22 Militant Action against War
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 77 Saturday, September 20 Organise to Block the
Slide to Meltdown and War!Lets Fight for an Anti-War Government!, Stop
the War Coalition Statement on Georgia Crisis
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 76 Friday, September 19 Summary Justice and the
Criminalisation of Children, Homeless Crisis
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 75 Tuesday, September 9 Hail the 60th Anniversary of
the Founding of the DPRK!, Celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Founding of
the DPRK, Message of Greetings For Your Information: 60th Anniversary of the
Founding of the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea DPRK.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 74 Monday, September 8 Russia-Georgia conflict:
Condemn the Hypocrisy and Belligerence of the British Government
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 73 Saturday, July 26 The British Government Must End
All Interference in Zimbabwe, 55th Anniversary of the Moncada assault: The
major success that was unknown to the world
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 72 Friday, July 25 Big Turn-Out Expected For
"Save Bridlington Hospital", "Save the Hospital" Campaigns
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 71 Thursday, July 24 State Terror Cannot Prevent the
People Affirming their Rights, Commemoration for Jean Charles De Menezes, The
Bloody Battle of Genoa.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 70 Thursday, July 17 No to the Criminalisation of
the Youth! No to a Police State!
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 69 Wednesday, July 16 The Economy of Zimbabwe and
the British Government
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 68 Tuesday, July 15 Pseudo-theories of "British
values" Discussion: The Renewed Fashion for Eugenics
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 67 Monday, July 14124th Durham Miners Gala and Big
Meeting: A Day to Celebrate the Achievements in Defending the Dignity of
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 66 Saturday, July 12 124th Durham Miners Gala and
Big Meeting: The Workers Must Step Up and Strengthen the Work to Take
Responsibility for the Fate of Society
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 65 Wednesday, July 8 Detainees of the war on
terror: Contempt for the Rule of Law, The position of Muslims in Britain:
Was It Like This for the Irish?, Interview with Gareth Peirce/Moazzam Begg
Living under a Control Order.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 64 Wednesday, July 7 British Government Must End its
Interference in Zimbabwe
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 63 Wednesday, June 25 No to Detention without Charge
or Trial! End Control Orders! Release All Subject to Indefinite Detention! No
Deportation to Torture!, Catalogue of detention and containment of Mahmoud Abu
Rideh, Review: The Beauty of the Art of the Interned, DVD: Discussion between
Moazzam Begg and Gareth Peirce.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 62 Tuesday, June 17 Bushs Visit to London: No
to the Criminalisation of Dissent! Oppose Police Brutality!
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 61 Monday, June 16 Lift EU Sanctions against Cuba!
Worldwide Demonstrations Demand, "Free the Five Now!" The Dark Plot
against Cuba
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 60 Thursday, June 12No "war on terror" in
the universities! Free Hicham Yezza!
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 59 Sunday, May 25 Hail African Liberation Day!, We
Fought Apartheid; We See No Reason to Celebrate It in Israel Now!, Myanmar: US
Hostility Hampers Relief.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 58 Saturday, May 24 Levellers' Day 2008: "Time
for a Written Constitution?", The Necessity for a Modern Constitution
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 57 Thursday, May 22 Draft Queens Speech:
Programme for the Rich and their Interests
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 56 Tuesday, May 20 Denounce the Latest Attack on
Cuba Promoted by the Bush Regime!, Cuba Proves Links: US Diplomats-Terrorists,
"This Society Is Undoubtedly Full of Justice".
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 55 Monday, May 19 Hands Off Myanmar! The Right of
Might, Arthur Attwood 19132008
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 54 Thursday, May 15 Utterly Shameful Stand of Gordon
Brown on Israel, London Protest Calls for Free Palestine, Time is Running Out
for Israel, Hamas: Bush's visit is blatant defiance of the Palestinian people's
feelings, The Historic Wronging of Palestine, Largest Key in the World Created
to Re-open the Land of Palestine, Vigil: Sixty Black Balloons for Sixty Years
of Nakba, Friends of Lebanon Resistance and Liberation Day Event.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 53 Saturday, May 10 National Demonstration for
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 52 Wednesday, May 7 Unite to Turn the Situation
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 51 Tuesday, May 6 Celebrating May Day and the Pride
and Dignity of the Workers
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 50 Thursday, May 1 Only the Working Class Can Save
the Day!
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 49 Friday, April 25 Browns "Global
Society" Is Unconscionable, Reflections by Fidel Castro Headed "Peace
and Prosperity"
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 48 Thursday, April 17 Britain Must End Its
Interference in Zimbabwe!, British Destabilise Africa: Food Riots Spread as
Hunger Deepens, Zimbabwe War Veterans Deny Farm Invasions.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 47 Wednesday, April 16 Full Support for the
Palestinian Resistance! Palestinian Prisoners Day, Human Rights and Israel at
60 A Look at the Conflicting Paths of Two Contemporaneous Projects. Free
Palestine National Demonstration, Five Years Later Rachel Corrie's Case
for Justice
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 46 Tuesday, April 15 Safeguarding the Future of the
NHS, Letter to the Editor: A Warning about the Future, Longshoremen to Close
Ports on US West Coast to Protest against War.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 45 Monday, April 14 Risky Geopolitical Game:
Washington Plays Tibet Roulette with China, The Olympic Torch Relay
Campaign, Reflections by Comrade Fidel Castro: The Chinese Victory, For Your
Information: Stop the War Coalition Retracts References to Tibet .
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 44 Friday, April 11 Solidarity and Friendship with
the DPRK! Message of Greetings and Congratulations, For Your Information: Juche
Idea and Songun Politics, Presidium Meeting of CILRECO Held, DPRK Foreign
Ministry Spokesman Condemns US Delaying Tactics in Solution of Nuclear Issue,
DPRK Foreign Ministry Spokesman Condemns Anti-DPRK Resolution.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 43 Thursday, April 10 No To Britains
Interference in Zimbabwe!, Hands Off Zimbabwe!, For Your Information: Poll
Results UK's Hidden Hand Exposed, Observation Team Plays Down Chances of
Fraud, "Defend Your Independence" Call of President Mugabe
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 42 Wednesday, April 9 Oppose the Deeply Chauvinist
Ethos of the Rich! Defend the Rights of All!
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 41 Tuesday, April 8 Supporting Venezuela's Social
Progress - Challenging Media Distortions & Misrepresentations, Media Lies
Exposed, OAS Countries Ratify Declaration Rejecting Colombia's Violation of
Ecuadorian Sovereignty, Court Rules against ExxonMobil and Cancels Order to
Freeze PDVSA's Assets, British Minister Loses Union's Support over Aid to
Colombia, Colombia: One Million March against Paramilitary Violence and War, Is
The Hillary Clinton Campaign Being Deliberately Sunk?
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 40 Monday, April 7 Now Is the Time to Get Organised!
Security Lies in the Fight for Our Rights and Interests!
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 39 Monday, March 31 Scientists Demand Progress, Not
Retrogression, Students Campaign for Jodrell, Challenging the Market in
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 38 Monday, March 17 For an Anti-War Government!,
Speeches at the World Against War Rally.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 37 Sunday, March 16 World Against War!
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 36 Saturday, March 15 Build the Anti-War Movement!
Fight for an Anti-War Government!, February 15 Five Years On
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 35 Saturday, March 8 Greetings on International
Womens Day!
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 34 Friday, March 7 Confronting the Crisis of Climate
Change, Fuel Poverty Soars as Energy Bills Rise, To Blame the Victims for This
Killing Spree Defies both Morality and Sense.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 33 Wednesday, March 6 pmNo to a Foreign Office
Acting to Impose Universal Values Globally!
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 32 Wednesday, March 6 amEnd Military Aid to
Colombia!, Successful Protest Opposes Exxon Mobil's Hostile Court Action
",The Colombian Government Has Lied Blatantly", Uribes
Aggression "Extremely Grave" and "Deceptive".
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 31 Wednesday, March 5 Raising the Question of
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 30 Tuesday, March 4 Victory for Palestinian
Resistance as Israel Driven Out of Gaza, British Muslims Appalled At Miliband's
Selective Condemnation of Gaza Mass Killings, Britain Looks on while
Israels Amoral Thugs Wallow in Gaza Blood, The Israeli Threat
of a Present-Day "Holocaust", UN Secretary General Condemns Israel.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 29 Monday, March 3 The National Rights of the
Scottish and Welsh Must Be Upheld!
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 28 Sunday, March 2Forthcoming Events: Protest
against ExxonMobils hostile action against Venezuelan sovereignty, PDVSA
in London Courts to Defend Venezuelan Oil Sovereignty in Exxon Dispute.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 27 Saturday, March 1Forthcoming Events: Creating a
Climate of Fear: Counter-Terrorism and Punishment without Trial, CAMPACC Model
Letter to MPs, The Counter Terrorism Bill 2008, The Treatment of Asylum Seekers
in 21st Century Britain, Harmondsworth Public Inquiry Hearing, Campaigners
Celebrate Acquittal of Harmondsworth 4.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 26 Friday, February 29 The Multinational
Pharmaceutical Giants Exposed The Rebranding of a Disease, Pharmaceutical
Super-profits, Unease on Industry's Role in Hypertension Debate.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 25 Thursday, February 28 Election of Raul Castro as
President of Cuba: Long Live the Cuban Revolution!, Inaugural Session of Cuban
National Assembly, Key Address by Comrade Raul Castro Ruz, President of the
Councils of State and Ministers.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 24 Wednesday, February 27Election of Raul Castro as
President of Cuba: Long Live the Cuban Revolution!, Inaugural Session of Cuban
National Assembly, Key Address by Comrade Raul Castro Ruz, President of the
Councils of State and Ministers.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 24 Wednesday, February 27 "Democratic
Imperative": Arrogantly Imposing Eurocentric Values under a Democratic
Veneer amid Dreams of Empire
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 23 Tuesday, February 26British Gas Profiteering:
Oppose Monopoly Dictate: Who Decides? We Decide! The Workers Must Have A
Programme For Public Utilities!
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 22 Monday, February 25 The Monopolies Must Be Held
to Account for their Violation of the Environment!, Biofuels: The Five Myths of
the Agro-fuels Transition, The Essential Air Canada: Workers and Means of
Production, Venezuela: US Oil Company in Economic Aggression against Venezuela,
The Decision of the British Courts in the Exxon Case Is Illegal, Chavez Calls
for Defence of Oil Sovereignty, Call for Exxon to Resume Arbitration Process,
Fact Sheet Arbitration between ExxonMobil and Venezuela.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 21 Thursday, February 21 Northern Rock
Nationalisation: The Parasitism of Finance Capital and the Necessity for the
People to Decide the Direction of the Economy, Money Market Parasitism
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 20 Wednesday, February 20 Salute to Fidel, the Cuban
People and their Cuban Revolution! Message from Cuban President Fidel Castro
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 19 Tuesday, February 19 Rowan Williams attacked for
raising questions in the society: Oppose the Hysteria and Disinformation Aimed
at the Muslim Community
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 18 Monday, February 18 Britain backs Kosovo
independence: Oppose Big Power Interference in Self-Determination
of the Peoples, For Your Information: EU Police and Military Intervention in
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 17 Tuesday, February 12 Fifth Anniversary of the
World-Wide Anti-War Demonstrations of Unprecedented Scale, Forthcoming Events:
Public Meeting: UK's State Responsibility for Torture, Mutilation and Killings,
Event: Southend Vigil and Leafleting, Event: South Shields: February 15
Five Years On.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 16 Saturday, February 9 Oppose the Privatisation of
the NHS: Our Security Lies in Our Fight, Patient Care at Risk as US Health
Monopoly Moves In, NHS Doctors Resist Barbarism of New Labour in Denying NHS
Treatment to Asylum Seekers, Unison Ballot on Unsocial Hours Payments: Our
Security Lies in Our Fight to Safeguard the Future of the NHS.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 15 Wednesday, February 6 Condoleezza Rice in
Britain: NATO Must Get Out of Afghanistan!
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 14 Tuesday, February 5 Oppose Plans for
"Patriotism" Lessons: The Youth Want To Build Their Own History
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 13 Monday, February 4 No to the New
Counter-Terrorism Bill! Repeal All "Anti-Terrorism" Legislation!, Why
Does the Government Need a "Terrorism Bill"?, The Conviction of
Samina Malik: An Attack on the Right to Conscience, For Your Reference: The Law
on Charge, Control Orders and Detention without Charge.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 12 Wednesday, January 30 A Treaty to Strengthen and
Modernise the Reactionary Union of the Monopolies, World Social Forum 2008
Another World Is Possible!, Protests in Switzerland against the World
Economic Forum, End the Siege of Gaza, A Break in the Siege Mad
Dog, Western Leaders Bent on Perpetuating Balfours Betrayal..
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 11 Tuesday, January 29 Youth slave labour: Oppose
Monopolies Plan to Take Control of Education, What's It Like to Work at
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 10 Friday, January 25 Oppose the Criminalisation of
the Youth: Reject the Policy of Fear of Jacqui Smith and New Labour
Zionism, Ethnic Cleansing and the Way Forward for Palestine Support
the Harmondsworth 4 Meeting on Asia Build the Global Demonstration on March 15
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 9 Thursday, January 24 Salute the Palestinian
Resistance, Palestinians Blow up Border Wall, End the Siege on Gaza,
"Tightened Siege on Gaza Reaches Unprecedented Levels and Endangers the
Life of 1.5 Million Civilians", Gaza Siege Intensified after Collapse of
Natural Gas Deal.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 8 Wednesday, January 23 The Widening Gap between
Rich and Poor, What the Objective Conditions are Pointing Towards Liar
Loans Drive Hundreds of Thousands into Debt
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 7 Tuesday, January 22 Britain and Kenya: The Legacy
of Colonialism Must Be Ended and Reparation Made, Joint New Year Editorial of
Leading Newspapers in DPRK.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 6 Monday, January 21 Threats to Iran Oppose
the Disinformation and Warmongering!, Statement of a British Iranian Woman,
Legal Mist Stokes US-Iran Tensions in Strait, Parts of NIE Report Incorrect,
Hands Off Iran!, World Against War International Peace Conference, Interview
with an Activist at the World Against War International Peace Conference,
Iranian Foreign Ministers Address to the UN Security Council, Information
on Iran Nuclear Programme, National Hands Off Iraqi Oil day of action - 23rd
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 5 Wednesday, January 16Opposition to the
Criminalisation of Dissent, The War on Terror: Seven Years on from
the Terrorism Act
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 4 Tuesday, January 15 Attacks on Public Service Pay:
Support Public Service Workers!, PCS and Unison Statements, For Your Reference:
Public Sector Pay.
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 3 Monday, January 14Attacks on the Unemployed and
Those on Benefit: The Right to a Livelihood Is Inviolable!, Nottingham Job
Seekers Face Lie Detectors, For Your Reference: Incapacity Benefit
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 2 Thursday, January 10 Oppose Attacks on the Muslim
Community, Defend the Rights of All!, Support The Harmondsworth 4!, Demonstrate
Monday, January 14, 2008, 9:30am onwards, Migrants Rights News January
Workers' Daily Internet Edition
Year 2008, No. 1 Wednesday, January 9 Society Should Guarantee the
Right to Housing, Browns new plans for the NHS: Retrogression Must Not
Prevail in the Health Service!, Fight for an NHS Based on the Right to Health
Care! Repeal SOCPA!