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———Workers and Politics———

This is the column of Workers' Weekly/WDIEon the conditions of the workers and on the agenda the workers themselves are setting to overcome their marginalisation and to take up politics. We encourage all our readers to contribute to the politicisation of the workers and write for this column

WDIE Year 2010 No.35, July 21, 2010 2010 Tolpuddle Martyrs’ Festival: Remember the Martyrs! Fight for the Rights of All! The Martyrs' Story Karl Marx on the Reform Act of 1832

WDIE Year 2010 No.33, July 12, 2010 126th Durham Miners Gala and Big Meeting Confronts Situation Facing Working Class Movement

WDIE Year 2010 No.32, July 10, 2010 126th Durham Miners Gala: Build the Workers’ Opposition! Fight for a Pro-Social and an Anti-War Government!

WDIE Year 2009 No.49, July 21, 2009 Workers Demonstrate on Teesside to "Save Our Steel" For a Steel Industry that Serves the Social Economy! Interview with Geoff Waterfield, Chair of the Teesside Multi-Union Workers’ Committee International – Canadian Workers’ Strike: Vale-Inco Miners and Refiners Stand Firmly against Concessions

WDIE Year 2009 No.47, July 15, 2009 125th Durham Miners Gala: A Great Manifestation of the Pride and Dignity of Labour

WDIE Year 2009 No.46, July 11, 2009 125th Durham Miners Gala: Oppose the Dictate of the Monopolies! Take up Responsibility for the Fate of Society!

WDIE Year 2009 No.14, February 25, 2009 No to Post Office Privatisation! Workers' Pensions Should Be Secured!

WDIE Year 2008 No.67, july 14, 2008 124th Durham Miners Gala and Big Meeting: A Day to Celebrate the Achievements in Defending the Dignity of Labour

WDIE Year 2008 No.66, july 12, 2008124th Durham Miners Gala and Big Meeting: The Workers Must Step Up and Strengthen the Work to Take Responsibility for the Fate of Society

WDIE Year 2008 No.51, May 6, 2008 Celebrating May Day and the Pride and Dignity of the Workers

WDIE Year 2008 No.50, May 1, 2008 May Day 2008 – International Day of Working Class Unity and Struggle: Only the Working Class Can Save the Day!

WDIE Year 2008 No. 4, January 15, 2008 Attacks on Public Service Pay: Support Public Service Workers! PCS and Unison Statements For Your Reference: Public Sector Pay

WDIE Year 2008 No. 3, January 14, 2008 Attacks on the Unemployed and Those on Benefit: The Right to a Livelihood Is Inviolable!, Nottingham Job Seekers Face Lie Detectors, For Your Reference: Incapacity Benefit

WDIE Year 2007 No. 32, July 18, 2007 The Cause of the Working Class is the Hope of the World The Durham Miners’ Gala and Big Meeting The Gala and a Coal Industry for a Modern Society Memories of the Big Meeting

WDIE Year 2007 No. 31, July 17, 2007 123rd Durham Miners Gala and Big Meeting: Workers Taking Up Responsibility for the Fate of Society, 123rd Durham Miners' Gala - Saturday, 14 July 2007.

WDIE Year 2006 No. 3, January 25, 2006 Only the Working Class Can Save the Day!: Adopt the Independent Programme of the Working Class!

WDIE Year 2006 No. 1, January 23, 2006 A Year of Critical Decisions for the Working Class

WDIE Year 2003 No. 90, September 26, 2003 Shipyard Workers Strengthen their Unity for Equal Pay in Defiance of Mass Sackings

WDIE, Year 2003, No.62 June 25, 2003 Royal Bolton Hospital Support Workers Strike for a Living Wage, HWF Organises Open Discussion on Agenda for Change, Met Workers Gather to Save Jobs

WDIE, Year 2003, No.60 June 23, 2003 Save the Day at the MET!

WDIE, Year 2003, No.51 June 10, 2003 On the Call to "Reclaim the Labour Party", John Edmonds’ Retirement Speech, GMB Votes to Review Donations for Labour MPs.

WDIE, Year 2003, No.49 June 4, 2003 Government Ploughs Ahead with Foundation Hospitals in Spite of Opposition, For Your Reference: Some Important Questions Which are Not Answered

WDIE, Year 2003, No.45 May 7, 2003 Resistance Was a Hallmark of May Day, May Day 2003: International Day of Working Class Unity and Struggle Worldwide Actions Defend Rights and Oppose Imperialist Aggression, US Navy Withdraws from Vieques, May Day Tragedy for South African Workers.

WDIE, Year 2003, No.44 May 6, 2003 Militant May Day Marches, May Day Rally Speeches, Trafalgar Square, May 1, 2003, May Day March and Rally in Newcastle, May Day Rally and Celebration in South Tyneside, San Francisco Longshore Workers’ May Day Resolutions

WDIE, Year 2003, No.36 April 17, 2003 The Debate on Agenda for Change

WDIE, Year 2003, No.30 April 9, 2003 Stop The War Meeting At The Unison National Health Group Conference

WDIE, Year 2002, No.174 September 24, 2002 Arriva Strike: Massive Newcastle Picket -Interview: A Striker Clearly Explains

WDIE, Year 2002, No.173 September 23, 2002 Ford to Cut 400 Jaguar Jobs

WDIE, Year 2002 No.154 August 13, 2002The Suspension of Local Government Workers’ Strike

WDIE, Year 2002 No.28 February 11, 2002 Successful Conference: Setting Our Own Agenda for a National Health Service

Workers' Weekly, Vol 32 No.5 February 2, 2002 Interview with Greg Tucker

WDIE, Year 2002 No.17, January 25, 2002 Workers' and Politics: Rail Workers’ Strikes; Arriva Rail Workers Stage Militant Two-Day Strike

Workers' Weekly, Vol 31 No.31 October 20, 2001 Workers at ViasystemsHold Their Own March and Meeting

Workers' Weekly, Vol 31 No.29 September 29, 2001 Viasystems announces further closure: "How We Are Going to Make Ourselves Special in the Future"

Workers' Weekly, Vol 31 No.27 September 8, 2001 Conference Opposes Private Sector Involvement in Public Services

Workers' Weekly, Vol 31 No.27 September, 2001 US Electronics Multinational Viasystems makes 875 redundant: "Capitalising on Low Cost Manufacturing Environments"

Workers' Weekly, Vol 31 No.13 April 21, 2001 Cammell Laird Calls in the Receivers

WDIE, Year 2001 No.63, April 11, 2001 Teachers are in Mood to Step up Struggle and Increase their Demands

Workers' Weekly, Vol 31 No.12 April 7-14, 2001 Labour Party Calls for Boycott of South Tyneside May Day Rally: Sectarianism in the Name of Upholding the Labour Movement

WDIE, Year 2001 No.47, March 13, 2001 Education Secretary Opposes Teachers’ Just Action

WDIE, Year 2001 No.46, March 12, 2001 Interview with Sean Kelly, Communications Officer UNISON, Sunderland City Government Branch

WDIE, Year 2001 No.43, March 7, 2001 Chaos Predicted in Schools

WDIE, Year 2001 No.37, February 27, 2001 The Conditions of the Call Centre Workers

WDIE, Year 2001 No.37, February 27, 2001 Why Should the Jobs of Shipyard Workers Depend on the Government Underwriting Loans for the Finance Capitalists?

WDIE, Year 2001 No.37, February 27, 2001 Shipyard Worker Jobs Depend on Government's Guarantee Credit Arrangement

WDIE, Year 2001 No.28, February 14, 2001 Black Country Workers Give Their Views

WDIE, Year 2001 No.22, February 6, 2001 London Tube Workers Strike

Workers' Weekly, Vol. 31, No.1 January 6th, 2001 Militant Actions as Car Workers Vent their Anger

WDIE, Year 2000 No. 187, November 3, 2000 Will Consultation Guarantee the Livelihoods of the Welsh Workers?

WDIE, Year 2000 No. 187, November 3, 2000 Coversation with a Construction Worker

WDIE, Year 2000 No. 182, October 27, 2000 New Landing Ship and Sea Lift Capability Contracts

WDIE, Year 2000 No. 179, October 24, 2000 Why Should the Workers Not Stand at the Head of the Struggle against High Fuel Prices, As with All the Movements of the People?

WDIE, Year 2000 No. 154, September 19, 2000 "Inward investment" Cannot Be the Basis for Creating a Modern Economy

WDIE, Year 2000 No. 122, July 28, 2000 Peugot Workers Strike

WDIE, Year 2000 No.30, February 18 The Threat Hanging Over the Longbridge Workers

WDIE, Year 2000 No 2, January 11, 2000 EU Investigation Threatens Rover Deal

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition, V29 N19 October 2-9, 1999 The Paddington Rail Tragedy

Workers' Weekly Internet Edition, V29 N17 September 18, 1999 TUC 1999: Workers and Politics Commentary - The Millennial Challenge

August 13, 1999 Experience of Workers and Amendments to Legislation Exposes New Labour's Working Time Regulations

August 13, 1999 Workers Safety Continues to be Disregarded by Capitalists

Workers' Weekly V29 N16 July 10-24, 1999 The Low Paid Demand That Their Voice Be Heard

Workers' Weekly V29 N14 June 12, 1999 Construction workers:Shocking Deaths of AMEC Workers

Workers' Weekly V29 N12 May 22-29, 1999 Car workers: Workers at Rover Must Find A Way Out of Marginalisation

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