Year 2005 No. 43, April 7, 2005 | ARCHIVE | HOME | JBBOOKS | SUBSCRIBE |
Workers' Daily Internet Edition: Article Index :
Roger Nettleship, "Safeguard the National Health
Service" Candidate
Safeguard the Future of the NHS! Support Candidates of the
Daily On Line Newspaper of the
Revolutionary Communist Party of Britain (Marxist-Leninist)
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Roger Nettleship is standing as the Safeguard the National Health Service candidate in the Tyneside constituency of Jarrow. We are reproducing his election communication below.
I am a union representative of South Tyneside hospitals in Jarrow, Hebburn and South Shields. I am standing in this election to give voice to the question on everyones lips: how can we safeguard the future of the NHS? The answer is that everyones right to healthcare must be guaranteed. Private control or funding of health care cannot be sanctioned, nor can delivery of health care be market driven.
Over the last 20 years and more, health workers and professionals, patients and the community in South Tyneside have had to fight against cutbacks and hospital closures, as is also the case elsewhere. We have also had to defend the rights and livelihood of health workers and cutbacks in staff under Conservative and Labour governments. Today, we face the biggest threat yet to the NHS hospitals in South Tyneside and all over the country. Hospitals are under-funded and under-staffed. More cuts are on the cards to fund new pay systems as limits are placed on budgets. The government is systematically dismantling the pension scheme of over-worked health workers, forcing them to work longer to achieve even lower pensions.
The Threat to Hospitals is Real!
The Fraud of "Choice"!
Outlaw the Involvement of the Private Sector in Public Services!
Health Care Is a Right!
Support Candidates of the Alternative!
Safeguard the Future of the NHS!
Support Candidates of the Alternative!
Rally against Blairs Attacks on Civil Liberties
Thursday April 7th 7.30pm
Dr Ambedhkar Centre Hall, Rear of 12 Featherstone Road, Southall
(Access from Dominion Centre Car Park)
Speakers: Jazz Khan ( Respect Prospective Candidate, Slough)
John Rees (Stop The War Coalition)
Salvinder Singh Dhillon (IWA-GB, Respect)
(Music, food and refreshments)
Attack on One is an Attack on All!
Defend Civil Liberties!
The following leaflet mobilising for the rally has been released by Respect in Southall.
The US and British government used the pretext of combating terrorism to invade and occupy Afghanistan and Iraq. This was an attack on the sovereign rights of people of Afghanistan and Iraq to choose their own governments and determine their own future.
The pretext of combating terrorism is also being used to attack the freedom of the Muslim community as well as other national minorities in Britain. The attack on our brothers and sisters of Moslem background is an attack on all of us. Their respect and dignity is our respect and dignity. Attacks on all national minorities have intensified over the years. At the time of the Lawrence report, black people were five times more likely to be stopped and searched by the police. By 2002/03, this had risen to six times. The number of people from Asian backgrounds stopped and searched by police has increased by 300% since the Terrorism Act 2000 came into force and the prison population is up 24%. The government uses the politics of fear and asks us to support draconian laws. So now we are to have house arrest without charge or trial for British as well as foreign nationals, as well as curfews or restrictions on use of telephones and the internet, and tagging. The danger of fascism is growing. The attack on civil liberties under the pretext of fighting terrorism draws parallels with the rise of Hitlerite fascism. Millions of people shed their blood to defeat fascism in the Second World War. Now the menace is again showing its ugly head.
Blairs government of warmongers is bent on attacking the sovereign rights of British working people to determine their own future. This government is selling off and handing over the public assets for private profit and defending monopoly rights of a few above those of the majority. Blair, Bush and company are committed to serving big business. All mainstream political parties serve this agenda with varying deceptive tactics. At the same time, people are resisting and saying there is an alternative, the peoples alternative enabling people to empower themselves and shape their own future. The working people are the producers of wealth and the economy must serve the needs of the vast majority and not a handful of multinationals. People must elect politicians serving their interests and be accountable to them. Respect along with other progressive forces is spearheading this struggle and we must ensure victory of Respect candidates in Parliamentary and local government elections.