In Memoriam

James Allen

James Allen
December 19, 1945 – January 6, 2012

With deep sadness the Party announces the passing of one of its dearest friends, James Allen, at his home in Yeovil, Somerset, aged 66. We extend our heartfelt condolences to all his family, friends and comrades. James had been a stalwart of the Party's cultural work since he joined its film group in 1970. In the early 1970s, he had taught film studies at the then Portsmouth Polytechnic, but from the late 1970s he suffered quite severe mental health problems. Notwithstanding this, he became an indefatigable campaigner for the rights and interests of his peers, becoming a much loved figure in his community.

James had an ability to formulate what concert, conference, meeting or project was required and then set people in motion to accomplish that vision. Whether it was finding ways to advance the interests of those with mental health problems, whether it was to fight for the demilitarisation of Yeovil, whether it was to popularise the music and stands of composer Cornelius Cardew, whether it was to commission new music, whether it was to confront the challenge of the crisis of climate change – James was there with a proposal. Through Change Charity, he had been unstinting in financing these insightful and ambitious proposals.

In recent years, he had been a major contributor to and organiser of the Cornelius Cardew Concerts Trust, playing a major role in organising the series of concerts which have built on the legacy of the composer Cornelius Cardew's work and brought a whole new generation of young musicians into the work. At the concert of Cornelius’ music at the Conway Hall on December 17, 2011, he was able to see and hear for himself at first hand how his contributions were bearing fruit, as he overcame many obstacles to travel outside his home town for the first time in many years.

His dedication to the cause of progress and his indomitable spirit will not be forgotten, and he will be remembered with a love and appreciation that he himself was never able to quite accept were his due.